Online Registration is now OPEN
Online registration for the 2024-25 school year is now OPEN. This is the annual paperwork every family must complete prior to the new school year. In addition to making sure all students, parents/guardians, and emergency contacts are correct, you will also be required to provide proof of residency. This is an annual requirement. Even if you provided proof of residency last year, you must do it again this year. New kindergarten parents who provided proof of residency in March, must also do so again. Acceptable proof of residency documents include:
- A recent utility bill with service address and due date visible
- Mortgage papers with name, address, and due date visible
- Rental agreement with name, address, and agreement date visible
- 2023 real estate tax statement with paid date visible (personal property tax statement is NOT ACCEPTABLE)
If you already have a student in the Festus R-VI School District login to your parent portal account here using a computer or web browser on your mobile device. Do not use the parent portal app.
Once you are logged in to your parent portal account, click on “More” on the left side of the screen.
Then click on “Online Reg.”
Then click on “Registration 2024-2025 Existing Student.” It is very important that you click on “Existing Student,” please be aware of the difference.
From there complete the forms. Some information will be pre-filled based on your answers from previous years. Please update any information that may have changed or that may be new. You will be able to upload the required forms; ie: driver’s license, proof of residency, medical information, etc. Custody/court paperwork must be turned in to your student’s school office.
As you complete sections, the headers at the top of the page will turn green.
When you are finished hit “Submit” to complete your registration. You will receive an email confirming your submission. However, that does not mean that it has been approved. Once we review to make sure all of the required documents are included, then it will be approved. You will receive a second email confirming approval.
New Families
Families who are new to the Festus R-VI School District click here to begin your online registration process. It is best to use a computer or web browser on your mobile device. Complete the first page.
You will be sent an email to confirm your identity. In your email, click the link at the bottom of the page. After clicking the link you will be asked to type in your name to verify your identity, again.
You will now begin filling out the registration paperwork. You will not be allowed to access the next page, until you have submitted an answer on the current page. As you work your way through the forms, there will be opportunities to upload the required documents; ie: driver’s license, proof of residency, medical information, etc. Custody/court papers cannot be uploaded. You must take those directly to your student’s school office.
As you complete sections the headers will turn green. Once all of the sections are green, hit submit.
You will receive an email confirming your registration. This does NOT mean your registration has been approved. The District will review all submissions and approve them. Once approved, you will receive another email confirming that your registration has been approved. After your registration is approved, you will receive another email with instructions on how to set up your parent portal. This is very important. Only parents/guardians who set up a parent portal will receive communications from the District.
Questions about online registration can be submitted to Nicole Gurnow at